Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Getting that Hankering Again...

Getting that hankering around 3pm…Its after school snack time. I had just finished cleaning up the kitchen and dreading messing it up for dinner again. I find myself opening cupboards and the fridge searching for something to stop the rumbling…Glad I was able to stop myself and think, what is my diet missing from today. What part of the puzzle do I need to fill. I take a plum from fridge and am pleasantly reminded how pleasing the fresh fruit is. Tart, sweet and cool.  One more better choice made, feeling empowered. But its a roller coaster I know...

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Starting with how I feel today.

I cant believe I have let a whole month go by without my first post. I kept loosing the log in stuff and other excuses. I have this thing with idealism. I keep myself back by thinking it has to be perfect before I can do it. Whatever that thing is I want done. Then time goes by and it’s still not done. Because I still trying to figure out how to put the pieces together just right and start right from the beginning... And do I really want to share these feelings so personal about my weight loss goals and overall health?… Oh well with caution thrown in the wind...So here I go just being my non idealistic self and writing my imperfect blog…Starting how I feel today…

What’s the deal with the men and health?
 Does it seem to like to you as it does to me that we as women can follow similar patterns and work hard at our health program and not get the same results? It has now been a month and a few days on our 100day heart challenge and my husband continues to lose weight and look great. Me on the other hand, well the numbers on the scale remain the same. It is true he burns about 200 more calories then I at his work outs because he runs/jogs and I walk/ jog but should it really make that much of a difference?
On the brighter side,
The good news is I have not gained weight. My husband would say, You are toning up and gaining lean muscle. I have been developing better eating habits and much more frequent cardio and strength training. The Sit ups are not as difficult as they were a month ago nor any of the other exercises we have been doing with our trainer for that matter... Well  except for the Planks they are worse then they were a month ago when we first started. How is that shouldn't they be getting easier too? My clothes are baggier, but not ready to buy new jeans yet, that seems like a waist of  money. Because I am going to get to my goal RIGHT!

In a month we are going on Vacation to the beach in and that is what started our whole healthy kick, nothing like the vision of your sweet little bathing suit to smack you in your face and desire a change.